The World Food Prize Foundation

The Borlaug Blog


For 30 years, the World Food Prize has worked to build on the legacy of Dr. Norman Borlaug, the man who saved a billion lives, by recognizing the achievements of individuals who have advanced human development by improving the quality, quantity or availability of food in the world. Our Laureates, our close partners, and our staff work tirelessly to alleviate hunger through innovative approaches, and we hope to share their expertise, research, and personal stories on The Borlaug Blog.

In the Borlaug Blog, we will occasionally post a blog featuring stories, research, and expert opinion from our Laureates, partners, youth representatives and staff. It is our hope that this blog series will create a conversation between farmers, NGOs, CEOs and people across the globe.

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Youth Voices: Nairobi National Park

By Khamani Thomas posted on 07/29/2024 at 2:11 PM
At first, I was not sure when I would be able to make it to the National Park until closer to the end of my time in Kenya, but thanks to my supervisor I was able to not only make it to the Park but also meet up with a...

Youth Voices: Frenzied Fortnights

By Pari Shah posted on 07/29/2024 at 1:59 PM
Starting with Joyce’s return and a long conversation on how people here will take hippos in as pets and use them to hunt people they don’t like, [HAHAHA], this week has been the best yet. Another hippo fun fact: to assert their dominance over each other, they spray their turd...

Youth Voices: Change, Knowledge and Thank You

By Shywann Horne posted on 07/29/2024 at 1:51 PM
Being in a different country, cultural, and language you would expect a lot to change about yourself. I haven’t noticed any change in myself because I was immersed into that years ago. Yes, this is my first time being in a different country, but it's not my first time seeing different...

Youth Voices: The Art of Noticing

By Calla Doh posted on 07/29/2024 at 1:42 PM
The unrelenting, arid heat of the Northern Indian summer enveloped me in a bone-dry embrace. Despite the steady whir of the fan to my left, beads of sweat teetered precariously at the sides of my face already baked in a sharp-smelling, heavy concoction of sunscreen and bug spray. As my...

Youth Voices: Silence and Bliss

By Pari Shah posted on 07/23/2024 at 10:47 AM
If I’m going to be completely honest, I haven’t done too much this week. But, a lot has been on my mind. First, starting with research. I have collected 31 responses to my questionnaire. For each question, I condensed all answers that my respondent’s gave into 5 or 6 multiple choice...

Youth Voices: Lots of nothing and lots of Bridgerton.

By Hope Williams posted on 07/23/2024 at 10:44 AM
My fourth week is over. Wow. It is unbelievable that I will go home in about three weeks. With the end of my internship coming soon, I am scared I will not be able to write an excellent report. With the protest and the late research start, I do not...

Youth Voices: My Fourth Week at CIMMYT!

By Olivia Marti posted on 07/23/2024 at 10:41 AM
07/13/2024 + 07/14/2024: This weekend was kind of boring. Both days I went into the office for a few minutes to check on my samples and record observations on them. On Saturday when I was heading in I ran into a post-doc that is working here on different technologies. We...

Youth Voices: Entrepreneurial Musings - Capturing Lima's Essence

By Saanvi Ram posted on 07/23/2024 at 10:39 AM
As I sit down to pen this week’s reflections, my heart overflows with a tumultuous blend of emotions. Lima has filled my soul to the brim. With my internship drawing to a close, I find myself on the cusp of week seven; the final stretch of my journey is here. It’s...

Youth Voices: Lights! Camera! Action!

By Riya Kalluvila posted on 07/23/2024 at 10:37 AM
To be honest, this week flashed right before my eyes. I was in Kerala just last weekend taking in the magnificent tropics and now I am starting my last week in Hyderabad for this summer. I have enjoyed ICRISAT campus a lot, it offers so much and I can never...

Youth Voices: Canciones y Sentimientos

By Lily Hestjean posted on 07/23/2024 at 10:35 AM
We bustled into the Spanish room chomping on trail mix and plantain chips and expecting another subjunctive lecture. But instead, the professor dimmed the lights and flicked on the projector. You can imagine our surprise when an emotional singer appeared on screen, strumming his guitar and holding back tears while...
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