The World Food Prize Foundation

2023 World Food Prize Week News Coverage

2023 World Food Prize Week

News surrounding the 2023 World Food Prize was included in articles around the world. Below is a sampling of the coverage.

Top Tier:

Business Record Online: World Food Prize side event to cover food insecurity's effect on national security

Des Moines Register: World Food Prize doubles to $500,000 in surprise to winner at Iowa Capitol ceremony

Devex Dish: A Moment to Honor Food Insecurity

Food and Agriculture Organization: FAO Director-General addresses Borlaug International Dialogue of the World Food Prize 2023 in Iowa

Iowa Public Radio: World Food Prize winner announces plans to restore farmland in Ukraine

Progressive Farmer: A Call to Combat Rising Global Hunger

Telegraph Herald: Cultivating fields to promote access to food imperative to cultivating justice, diplomacy

The Associated Press: At 2023 Laureate Ceremony, World Food Prize Foundation Announces New $500,000 Prize Amount for Award

The Gazette: Responding to conflict, food prize laureates call for boost in food aid and ag investment

The Guardian Online: Shettima to deliver keynote speech at World Food Prize Foundation in USA


Globe Gazette: Gov. Kim Reynolds welcomes Kosovo president in Iowa visit

Iowa Public Television Online: Market to Market

Iowa State Daily: War-torn region restoration: Lecture features Borlaug winner

KJAN-AM Online: World Food Prize winner to restore Ukrainian farmland, vineyards    

Additional Coverage:

Adda 247 Current Affairs: Father of White Revolution, Who is He?

Agronigeria: Heidi Kühn Wins 2023 World Food Prize for Revitalizing Agriculture, Promoting Peace in Conflict-ridden Regions 

Biotech Express Magazine: A tribute to Father of Indian Green Revolution Dr M S Swaminathan  

Bollyinside: World Food Prize Highlights Backward Progress in Global Food Efforts, Calls for Boost in International Aid    

Business Chief Online: 2023 Borlaug CAST Communication Award to Honor Dr. Alison Bentley on Oct. 25 

Easy Branches World News: New Research Further Debunks Legend of the Green Revolution ISU Professor Celebrated for Efforts to Boost Ethiopian Milk Production

Global Diaspora News: A biofortified potato could finally tackle one of the most persistent childhood diseases 

Global Washington: Innovative Funding for Innovative Research: The Grow Further Model 

Korn 101.3 and 1490: Borlaug Dialogue addresses global hunger

Marketplace Online - American Public Media: Iowa farmer reports record harvest despite drought conditions

Megastar Magazine: VP Shettima hits US for World Food Prize International Dialogue  

Mississippi State University: MSU master's student participates in prestigious Borlaug food security events  

Networthy News: USDA Bolsters Investments in International Trade and Food Aid

News for Dairy Co-ops: NMPF's Bjerga on Global Food Security and Dairy's Role

Nigeria News: Shettima, AfDB President Adesina To Meet At US Food Dialogue

Ohia Ag Connection: Lal Advocates for Global Use of Conservation Agriculture

Portal de Agronegócio: Agricultura regenerativa é uma ferramenta fundamental para enfrentar a crise climática, asseguram em debate organizado pelo IICA no Diálogo Internacional Borlaug

Progressive Farmer Online: Experts See Drive to Increase Food Production and Feed the World Going Backward

Progressive Farmer Online: Removing Land Mines Across Ukrainian Farmland Even as War Continues to Rage  

Seed World Online: Resilience 101: Cancer isn't Putting this Future Plant Breeder's Plans on Hold

Southeast AgNet: World Food Prize Laureate Celebrated

Teller Report: Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng visited friendly people from Iowa 

Terra Daily: John Deere Foundation announces $19 million in grants aimed at eliminating global hunger

The Daily Telegraph: The world is precariously dependent on just a handful of staple food crops – we must diversify

The Nepal Weekly: The World Food Prize: Laurates stress on call to combat rising global hunger

The Street Journal: Do Not Overlook Africa's Trillion-Dollar Food And Agribusiness Sector, African Development Bank Chief Tells Investors At World Food Prize Dialogue

TheNEWS: At World Food Prize Dialogue: AfDB, Partners Vote Additional $1bn To Fund Nigeria's SAPZs In 24 States 

This Day: Shettima Meets With AfDB President At Borlaug Dialogue in US Tuesday  

Top Africa News: United States Announces up to $79 Million to Expand Research for Feed the Future

US Department of State: Assistant Secretary Toloui and Special Envoy Fowler Travel to Iowa

Vigour Times: Eminent Ethiopian Scientist Gebisa Ejeta Honored with US National Medal of Science

Voice of Nigeria: World Food Forum: Nigeria's Vice President to Deliver Keynote Address  

World News Report: Cultivating Peace Through Agriculture Symposium: "Festival of The Bells" 

WOWK-TV Online: "Festival of the Bells"                   


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