The World Food Prize Foundation

2016 Borlaug Dialogue

2016 Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium

October 12-14, 2016, Des Moines, Iowa – Des Moines Marriott Downtown Hotel

"Let Food Be Thy Medicine"

As we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Dr. Norman E. Borlaug establishing the World Food Prize, our 2016 conference will convene a fantastic array of international leaders, policy makers, farmers, executives from agribusiness and non-governmental organizations, and scientific, academic and development experts to address the most critical issues facing global food security.

The title of the 2016 Borlaug Dialogue "Let Food Be Thy Medicine," a quote attributed to Hippocrates approximately 2,400 years ago, best captures the ground-breaking achievement for which the 2016 World Food Prize laureates are being honored - the development and implementation of biofortification, breeding critical vitamins and micronutrients into staple crops, thereby dramatically reducing "hidden hunger" for millions.

As the 2016 World Food Prize honors the impact of biofortified crops in positively impacting the health and nutrition of people around the world, our 2016 Borlaug Dialogue will include an emphasis on the crucial role of nutrition in global food security. Other themes and highlighted speakers are listed below.

Register to Attend | Speakers | Agenda
Des Moines Hotel and Lodging Information | Social Media Kit - Laureate

2016 Borlaug Dialogue Symposium Brochure

Highlighted Speakers Include:

Leadership | Nutrition | Conflict | Infrastructure

H.E. Mrs. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim
President of Mauritius




H. E. Dr. Joyce Banda
Former President of Malawi

Dr. Jim Yong Kim
President World Bank Group

H. E. Akinwumi A. Adesina, President
African Development Bank Group

Discussion Topics and Highlights of the Program Will Include:

  • Ambassadors and leading foreign policy officials examining issues of national security and food security in regions beset with crisis
  • Business executives at the forefront of enhancing nutrition, innovation and confronting climate volatility
  • African women leaders driving science and innovation for agricultural transformation in Africa
  • Food Security in Crisis: Syria, Boko Haram & El Niño
  • The role of public universities in confronting the grand challenges of global food security
  • A discussion on the availability of a healthy global diet and progress on food and nutrition security, presented by the World Food Center at the University of California, Davis
  • The Borlaug-Rockefeller connection: Inspiring the next generation of leaders in global food security
  • The Borlaug-Sasakawa connection as 2016 marks the 30th Anniversary of the Sasakawa Africa Association

In addition to the plenary symposium program of keynote speakers and conversation sessions, we are also pleased to offer Borlaug Dialogue attendees the opportunity to register for the following events:

  • Reception for the Borlaug Field Award for Research and Application, Endowed by the Rockefeller Foundation (Oct 12, 5:30 pm)
  • Iowa Farm Tours (Oct 14, afternoon): Organized by the Iowa Soybean Association, this event will provide an opportunity for international and national guests to travel to a real working Iowa farm during harvest.

If you have any technical difficulties while registering, please call the Eventbrite registration support line at: 1-888-810-2063. Thank you.

Important Registration Information:

  • Iowa registration: To qualify for the Iowa resident rate, you must be attending the symposium as a private individual (not representing any company or organization), must reside within the state of Iowa and register with a valid Iowa address. If you qualify, please register here.
  • Student registration: Undergraduate students may attend the Borlaug Dialogue at a special $99 rate, while graduate students may attend the Borlaug Dialogue at the reduced rate of $295. Registration at both of the special student rates will gain the participant access to all Borlaug Dialogue plenary sessions, symposium meals (Thursday luncheon, Friday morning breakfast, Friday afternoon laureate luncheon), Wednesday evening Borlaug Field Award for Research and Application Ceremony and Reception, but not the Thursday evening World Food Prize Laureate Awards Ceremony and Dinner.

    To qualify for the special $99 or $295 student rates, please send a request letter with your full name and dates of attendance. The letter must be on university letterhead and signed by a faculty member. Please email the letter to Upon receipt, we will contact you with further registration instructions. All requests must be received by October 1, 2016.
  • Laureate Award Ceremony (Oct 13): While the Laureate Award Ceremony is by invitation only, The World Food Prize Foundation makes every effort to include international guests and senior-level national guests at the event. Invitations will be issued in late summer and the registration process for this event is completely separate from the 2016 Borlaug Dialogue.
  • Global Youth Institute (Oct 15): Each year, more than 150 exceptional high school students and their teachers from across the United States and other countries are selected to participate in the World Food Prize Global Youth Institute. At this event, student delegates present and discuss their findings with a "faculty panel" of international experts and their peers, connect with other students from around the world, tour cutting-edge industrial and research facilities, and take part in discussions with global leaders in science, industry and policy.
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