The World Food Prize Foundation

2017 Borlaug Dialogue Social Media Kit

Welcome to the 2017 World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue Social Media Kit. Thank you for interacting with us online!



  1. Post to Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram with our sample posts after the announcement. Copy and paste the text into a status update on your Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram profile. Click on the appropriate graphics below to download a high-resolution image that is sized for the specific media of your choice.
  2. Feel free to post in your own words too. Don't feel as though you are required to use our samples. If you choose to make original posts, we just ask you tag World Food Prize on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and use our official 2017 World Food Prize hashtag #FoodPrize17 
  3. Share a summarized social media kit. Download a one-page social media kit to share with colleagues and friends. The kit includes links to graphics and all social media accounts.  Click here to download the summarized social media kit.
  4. Follow us on Social Media for live updates from the World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue and the 2017 Laureate Ceremony. Click the social media links on the right to connect with us.
  5. Explore the 2017 World Food Prize Laureate Social Media Kit. We have a complete social media kit devoted just to Dr. Akinwumi Adesina.

Social Media Graphics - Facebook

Facebook Graphic - Click for High Res

Facebook Graphic - Click for High Res

Facebook Graphic - Click for High Res

Facebook Graphic - Click for High Res Facebook Graphic - Click for High Res Facebook Graphic - Click for High res

Social Media Posts - Facebook

Copy and paste the text into a status update on your Facebook. Include a graphic from above to accompany the text.

  • I am attending the 2017 World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue in Des Moines, Iowa this October! Find the full agenda for the week of events at this link: 
  • The Borlaug Dialogue brings together a fantastic assortment of speakers in the agricultural field from all around the world. Can't wait to join in on the conversation about how we can end world hunger together! #FoodPrize17
  • How do we feed #9Bby50? Join us for the Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium on October 18-20 for "The Road Out Of Poverty."
  • How can global agricultural industrialization and rural farmers work together to end world hunger? Come to the Road Out of Poverty on October 18-20 and join the conversation!
  • I signed up for "The Road out of Poverty" Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium! This year's theme focuses on honoring the entrepreneurial strength of our global farmers and their dedication to providing health, wealth and stability to those in need. Follow along with my journey! #FoodPrize17
  • I am happy to be part of the celebrating the 2017 World Food Prize winner President Akinwumi Adesina. President Akinwumi Adesina has been monumental to the Green Revolution of Africa and has been able to end over 40 years of corruption within the fertilizer distribution system and enhance farming technology for rural farming! Congratulations President Akinwumi Adesina! #FoodPrize17
  • "Food is the moral right of all who are born into this world." The Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium allows us to remember Dr. Borlaug's words and continue to take action toward ending world hunger. #FoodPrize17

Social Media Graphics - Twitter

Twitter Graphic - Click for High Res Twitter Graphic - Click for High Res
Twitter Graphic - Click for High Res Twitter Graphic - Click for High Res
Twitter Graphic - Click for High Res Twitter Graphic- Click for High Res

Social Media Posts - Twitter

Copy and paste the text into a status update on your Twitter. Include a graphic from above to accompany the text.

  • Ready to be head to Des Moines for the Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium! #FoodPrize17
    More info here:
  • Follow us for updates about the @WorldFoodPrize Borlaug Dialogue #FoodPrize17
  • Attending "The Road Out Of Poverty" symposium at the @WorldFoodPrize! Ready to learn how to "take it to the farmer" #FoodPrize17!
  • Preparing to see the president of @AfDB_Group receive the 2017 World Food Prize ! Congrats Pres Akinwumi Adesina! #FoodPrize17
  • Ready to join some of the brightest minds in global agriculture to learn how we can effectively feed #9Bby50! #FoodPrize17

Social Media Graphics - Instagram

Instagram Graphic - Click for High Res

Instagram Graphic - Click for High Res

Instagram Graphic - Click for High Res

Instagram Graphic - Click for High Res Instagram Graphic - Click for High Res Instagram Graphic - Click for High Res

Social Media Posts - Instagram

Copy and paste the text into a status update on your Instagram. Include a graphic from above to accompany the text.

  • Do you want to learn how we all can help end world hunger? Join us at the Borlaug Dialogue October 18-20 to discuss the issues pertaining to making the goal of #9Bby50 possible with thousands of other agricultural minds. #FoodPrize17
  • The @WorldFoodPrize Borlaug Dialogue in 2017 reminds us to 'take it to the farmer." Can't wait to join in on the conversation of how we can create an agricultural environment that encourages access to resources so that we can continue to move forward on ending global hunger #FoodPrize17
  • Excited to listen to 2017 World Food Prize recipient President Akinwumi Adesina speak about the work he has done toward promoting education, agriculture and nutritional value in order to lift people out of hunger and poverty. #FoodPrize17
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