The World Food Prize Foundation

2003 Borlaug Dialogue

Defeating Hunger and Famine

2003 Transcripts by Agenda  |  2003 Speaker Biographies & Transcripts  |  2003 Symposium Brochure

The 2003 The World Food Prize International Symposium featured the first in-depth review of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals since they were adopted by over 150 Heads of State at the Global Summit held in New York in September of 2000.  There was also a specific focus on the issue of hunger including keynote presentations by Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, by 2003 Laureate Ms. Catherine Bertini, and by H.E. Wilberforce Kisamba Mugerwa, Minister of Agriculture in Uganda on the view from Africa.  In addition, the entire UN Task Force on Hunger participated in these events, culminating in a special briefing on the UNDP Human Development Report for 2003.

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