The Honorable Kim Reynolds
Lt. Governor, State of Iowa

Kim Reynolds, serves as Iowa’s 45th Lieutenant Governor. She was elected Iowa’s Lieutenant Governor on November 2, 2010.
As Lieutenant Governor, Kim has led trade missions to China, Germany, Brazil, South Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines and Thailand. She has helped attract more than $11 billion in private investment to Iowa. Companies including Facebook, Google, Microsoft, CJ Bio America, Cargill, Mid-American, CF Industries, and Valent Biosciences, have chosen to locate or expand in Iowa.
Kim is known throughout the country, as one of the strongest advocates for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). Recognized by STEMconnector™ as one of the “100 Women Leaders in STEM” she works tirelessly works to provide access to STEM programs for students, especially the underrepresented and underserved. She co-chairs the Governor’s STEM Advisory Council in Iowa. In 2013-14, Kim chaired the STEM Food & Ag Council.
Kim is Chair for the National Lieutenant Governors Association and serves as Honorary Chair of Million Women Mentors – Iowa as well as Honorary Chair of the Employer Volunteer Initiative in Iowa.