Sandro Demaio
Chief Executive Officer, EAT Foundation
In April 2018, Sandro became Chief Executive Officer of EAT. From November 2015 until April 2018, Sandro was Medical Officer for non-communicable conditions and nutrition with the Department of Nutrition for Health and Development for the World Health Organization. Sandro held a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Harvard Medical School from 2013 to 2015, and was assistant professor and course director in global health at the Copenhagen School of Global Health, in Denmark.
Dr Demaio co-founded NCDFREE, a global social movement against non-communicable diseases. In 2015, he founded festival21, a massive and unprecedented, free celebration of community, food, culture and future. Then in 2018 Sandro established an independent, not-for-profit foundation focused on improving the health and nutrition of Australians.
Dr Demaio currently co-hosts the ABC television show Ask the Doctor.
To date, he has published 30 scientific papers and more than 90 articles. He is also the author of the Doctor’s Diet, a cookbook based on science and inspired by a love of good food.