The World Food Prize Foundation

2019 Borlaug Dialogue Social Media Kit

Welcome to the 2019 World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue Social Media Kit. Thank you for interacting with us online!



  1. Post to Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram with our sample posts after the announcement. Copy and paste the text into a status update on your Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram profile. Click on the appropriate graphics below to download a high-resolution image that is sized for the specific media of your choice.
  2. Feel free to post in your own words too. Don't feel as though you are required to use our samples. If you choose to make original posts, we just ask you tag World Food Prize on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, Iowa Hunger Summit on Twitter and use our official 2019 World Food Prize hashtag #FoodPrize19. 
  3. Follow us on Social Media for live updates from the World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue and the 2019 Laureate Ceremony. Click the social media links above to connect with us.
  4. Explore the 2019 World Food Prize Laureate Social Media Kit, devoted to 2019 Laureate Simon Groot.

Social Media Graphics - Facebook

Facebook Graphic - Click for High Res

Facebook Graphic - Click for High Res

Facebook Graphic - Click for High Res

Facebook Graphic - Click for High Res Facebook Graphic - Click for High Res Facebook Graphic - Click for High res

Social Media Posts - Facebook

Copy and paste the text into a status update on your Facebook. Include a graphic from above to accompany the text.

  • Ambassador Quinn is about to welcome us to the 2019 #BorlaugDialogue! Excited for this opportunity to hear from an array of perspectives on how to combat hunger! #FoodPrize19

  • Peace requires the eradication of hunger. Join me for this year’s Borlaug Dialogue, “Pax Agricultura: Peace Through Agriculture,” as we explore different perspectives on how to feed 9.5 billion people by 2050! #FoodPrize19

  • Preventing hunger also prevents conflict. At the 2019 #BorlaugDialogue, I’m curious about the intertwined relationship between hunger and conflict. Check out this year’s agenda at: /index.cfm?nodeID=95145&audienceID=1 #FoodPrize19

  • I’m excited to hear from Simon Groot, the 2019 World Food Prize Laureate, on his views towards seeds and their role in ending hunger! Follow the entire 2019 #BorlaugDialogue through #FoodPrize19!

  • Post-conflict recovery, climate change, and the crops that will end hunger are all panels of today’s #BorlaugDialogue! For the full schedule, and information on panels and speakers, visit /index.cfm?nodeID=95145&audienceID=1 #FoodPrize19


Social Media Graphics - Twitter

Twitter Graphic - Click for High Res Twitter Graphic - Click for High Res
Twitter Graphic - Click for High Res Twitter Graphic - Click for High Res
Twitter Graphic - Click for High Res Twitter Graphic- Click for High Res

Social Media Posts - Twitter

Copy and paste the text into a status update on your Twitter. Include a graphic from above to accompany the text.

  • Anxiously awaiting Ambassador Quinn to make the morning remark kicking off the #BorlaugDialogue! Excited to learn about the connections between peace, agriculture and food security! #FoodPrize19

  • Peace is incompatible with food insecurity. Join me for this year’s Borlaug Dialogue, “Pax Agricultura: Peace Through Agriculture,” as we learn about promoting food security as prevention for conflict! #FoodPrize19

  • How do hunger and conflict perpetuate each other? This year’s #BorlaugDialogue will examine this relationship through numerous perspectives by a diverse array of experts! Check out this year’s agenda at: /index.cfm?nodeID=95145&audienceID=1 #FoodPrize19

  • Eager to hear Simon Groot discuss the relationship between seeds and the promotion of peace at this year’s #BorlaugDialogue! #FoodPrize19

  • The 2019 #BorlaugDialogue brings up the importance of multiple approaches to ending hunger by 2050. Looking forward to hearing from experts on the steps being taken to eliminate hunger and to promote peace around the world! #FoodPrize19


Social Media Graphics - Instagram

Instagram Graphic - Click for High Res

Instagram Graphic - Click for High Res

Instagram Graphic - Click for High Res

Instagram Graphic - Click for High Res Instagram Graphic - Click for High Res Instagram Graphic - Click for High Res

Social Media Posts - Instagram

Copy and paste the text into a status update on your Instagram. Include a graphic from above to accompany the text.

  • Soon Ambassador Quinn will make remarks to start the 2019 #BorlaugDialogue! This year’s speakers will analyze connections between peace, conflict resolution/mitigation, and hunger. #FoodPrize19

  • What role does ending hunger play in promoting peace? Join me at this year’s #BorlaugDialogue, “Pax Agricultura: Peace Through Agriculture,” as we discuss promoting peace through fighting hunger! #FoodPrize19

  • At the 2019 #BorlaugDialogue, I’m curious about the intertwined relationship between hunger and conflict. How does hunger connect to crime, and what can be done to promote peace while ending hunger? #FoodPrize19

  • Can’t wait to hear about Simon Groot’s ideas on the importance of seeds in the context of peace at this year’s #BorlaugDialogue! #FoodPrize19

  • The 2019 #BorlaugDialogue brings up the importance of multiple approaches to ending hunger by 2050 to ensure peace around the world. #FoodPrize19

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