Thursday, October 24, 2002
8:30 - 8:40 AM
Welcome to the Symposium
Ambassador Kenneth Quinn, President, World Food Prize Foundation
The Honorable Charles Grassley, U.S. Senate
8:40-9:00 AM
Keynote Address
The Honorable Elsa A. Murano, Under Secretary for Food Safety, U.S. Department of Agriculture (TRANSCRIPT)
Symposium Chair: Margaret Catley-Carlson, Chair, Global Water Partnership
9:00 - 9:30 AM
Global Freshwater Challenges and Food Security
Sandra Postel, Director, Global Water Policy Project (TRANSCRIPT)
9:30—10:00 AM
The Basic Human Needs for Water: Can the U.N. Millennium Goals Be Met?
Peter Gleick, President, Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security (TRANSCRIPT)
10:00—11:00 AM
World Water and Food to 2025: Dealing with Scarcity
Per Pinstrup-Andersen, 2001 World Food Prize Laureate; Former Director General, International Food Policy Research Institute
Mark Rosegrant, Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (TRANSCRIPT)
11:00—11:30 AM
Neither Water nor Food Security without a Major Shift in Thinking: A Water Scarcity Close-up
Malin Falkenmark, Senior Scientist, Stockholm International Water Institute (TRANSCRIPT)
11:30 AM — noon
Water Rights and Community Management
Ruth Meinzen-Dick, Senior Research Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (TRANSCRIPT)
12:00—1:30 PM
Luncheon Address
The Honorable Andrew Natsios, Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development (TRANSCRIPT)
1:30—2:00 PM
Doing More with Less: Managing Freshwater Shortages with Advanced Agricultural Technologies
Erez Meltzer, President, Netafim (TRANSCRIPT)
2:00—4:00 PM
Panel Discussion: Urban-Rural Water Dilemmas in the American Middle West
Elizabeth Becker, Chief Agricultural Writer, The New York Times
Craig Cox, Executive Director, Soil and Water Conservation Society (TRANSCRIPT)
L.D. McMullen, CEO and General Manager, Des Moines Water Works (TRANSCRIPT)
Jerald Schnoor, Co-Director, Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research, University of Iowa (TRANSCRIPT)
Jim Gulliford, Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7 (TRANSCRIPT)
Dan Towery, Natural Resources Specialist, Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC) (TRANSCRIPT)
4:00 PM
7:30 PM
World Food Prize Laureate Award Ceremony
Friday, October 25, 2002
7:45—9:00 AM
Breakfast Session
The Honorable Jacques Diouf, Director General, U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization
Symposium Chair; Margaret Catley-Carlson, Chair, Global Water Partnership
9:00—9:30 AM
Water and Food: Humanitarian Needs in Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa, and North Korea
Catherine Bertini, U.N. Secretary General’s Personal Humanitarian Envoy to the Middle East (TRANSCRIPT)
9:30—10:00 AM
Rotary International’s Programs to Alleviate World Hunger
Richard King, 2001-2002 Rotary International President (TRANSCRIPT)
10:00—10:30 AM
Water Demand Management: A Solution to Scarcity
Saul Arlosoroff, Chairman, Israel-Water Engineers Association (TRANSCRIPT)
10:30—11:00 AM
River Basin Management in Mainland Southeast Asia
Claudia Ringler, Post-Doctoral Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute (TRANSCRIPT)
11:00—11:30 AM
Water Scarcity: From Problems to Opportunities in the Middle East
Mona El-Kady, Chair, National Water Research Center (TRANSCRIPT)
11:30 AM — noon
Blue Gold: Allocation of a Precious Resource in the Middle East
Jad Isaac, Director General, Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem (TRANSCRIPT)
12:00—12:30 PM
New Water for Old Crops: Can We Change the Future?
Mohammad Al -Attar, Director General, International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (TRANSCRIPT)
12:30—2:00 PM
Laureate Luncheon
Laureate Lecture: A World Free of Hunger: What Needs to Be Done
Dr. Pedro Sanchez, 2002 World Food Prize Laureate (TRANSCRIPT)
Sustainable Development in the Post-Johannesburg Era
Heinz Imhof, Chairman, Board of Directors, Syngenta AG (TRANSCRIPT)