The World Food Prize Foundation

The President's Blog

2019 Borlaug Dialogue Report


Every year, diverse interests from around the world converge on Des Moines, Iowa in October for the Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium. In 2019, the World Food Prize Foundation (WFPF) welcomed so many to consider broad-ranging topics centered on Pax Agricultura: Peace through Agriculture. While video recordings of the panels and transcripts of the presentations are compiled every year and are now available HERE, we wanted to reflect on key topics discussed, initiatives and activities announced, and highlights from the meeting. 

The staff of WFPF welcome the tremendous response received from over 500 in our community in the 2020 Partner Survey, as we formulate plans for the 2020 Borlaug Dialogue International Symposium to be held 14 – 16 October. We look forward to the ongoing engagement with our partners, and are formulating innovations for an exciting, relevant, and even more impactful dialogue. SAVE THE DATE!

Plan to attend the Iowa Hunger Summit on Monday, 12 October for a remarkable day examining local hunger and food security needs and opportunities.

-Barbara Stinson


02/24/2020 2:19 PM |Add a comment
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