Gina Gutiérrez
Dairy Farmer (Mexico), Global Farmer Network
Gina is a 5th generation dairy farmer. Her family farm is in central Mexico, and currently milks 460 cows, and has 420 calves and heifers. The farm is 53 hectares with 40 hectares in crops that go into silage for the cattle. She works with her father, a veterinarian; and her brother, an agronomist.
In May 2015, Gina stepped up to start a Facebook page advocating for the dairy industry. She talks about milk consumption and its benefits to health, nutrition and economic growth. She also shares insight into life on a dairy farm on La Vida Láctea. The page now has 50,000 followers.
She is a columnist for two magazines, a Dairy Ambassador for Global Dairy Platform, Global Farmer Network’s 2018 Kleckner Award recipient and part of the Private Sector Mechanism for CFS.