Geoff Andersen
Director of Regional Agriculture Strategic Planning at John Deere
After completing degrees in Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University, Geoff worked for an agricultural consulting company. He then worked in the agriculture technology field for ten years, including roles with AGRIS and Farmland Industries.
He became Director, John Deere Information Systems in 1999 and led that business for seven years. In 2006, he assumed the leadership of John Deere’s Frontier business unit. In 2009, he accepted additional responsibilities for establishing strategic partnering units in Deere markets around the world.
He moved to Deere’s Citizenship group in 2012, and led the globalization of their programs to align with the company’s growth aspirations. A significant focus area was creating self-sustaining agricultural development models in Sub-Saharan Africa. In November 2017, he assumed the newly created position of Director Regional Ag Strategic Planning. In this role he is responsible for Africa business development, and public affairs.