Dr. Gregory Miller
Global Chief Science Officer, National Dairy Council

Gregory D. Miller, Ph.D., M.A.C.N., Global Chief Science Officer and executive vice president, research, regulatory and scientific affairs for Dairy Management Inc./National Dairy Council (NDC), Rosemont, Illinois as well as an Adjunct Associate Professor in the department of food science and human nutrition at the University of Illinois. He is also is the Nutritional Security Sector Lead for the Global Dairy Platform, and is recognized as a leading voice in the global food system. He is currently leading the effort to enhance dairy’s contributions toward a more sustainable food system by examining the intersection between nutrition, health, food insecurity, and environmental impact.
Dr. Miller graduated in 1978 from Michigan State University with a B.S. degree in Nutrition and in 1982 earned a M.S. degree in Nutrition (Toxicology) from The Pennsylvania State University. In 1986 he received a Ph.D. in Nutrition (Toxicology) from The Pennsylvania State University.
Dr. Miller is a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry and Journal of Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics. He has served on the editorial board for the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Current Nutrition & Food Science, The Open Nutrition Journal and Mature Medicine Canada. He has served as President for the American College of Nutrition. He was a Member of the Board of Directors for the American Society for Nutrition and the International Society of Nutrigenetics/Nutrigenomics.
In October of 2016, Dr. Miller was appointed to a Food and Agricultural Organization High Level Panel of Experts to carry out a study on Nutrition and Food Systems that will feed into the Committee on World Food Security debates at the 44th session in 2017.
Dr. Miller has presented more than 120 invited lectures at national and international meetings and has published more than 160 research papers, reviews, articles, and abstracts. He has co-edited three books on diet, nutrition, and toxicology and contributed chapters to nine books. He is co-author of the Handbook of Dairy Foods and Nutrition, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Editions.
Dr. Miller has appeared on the NBC Today Show, CNBC, CNN, CBS Evening News, and has been quoted in the New York Times, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Financial Times (London).