Sunil Sangvhi
Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company

Sunil Sanghvi is a Senior Partner in the Chicago Office of McKinsey & Company. He leads McKinsey’s Center for Agricultural Transformation and Food Systems (MCAF) and, previously, McKinsey’s Global Agriculture Practice. Mr. Sanghvi has served clients on a variety of strategic, organizational and operational issues, including:
-For an agricultural products company, a multiyear growth program, including major thrusts around technology and geographic growth supported by substantial M&A activities
-For a major multi-business company, helping build a division around human nutrition
-For three African Governments, support of their agriculture transformation efforts.For a major foundation, helping establish its activities around ag development.
-For a bi lateral donor, helping reshape their ag development activities.
Mr. Sanghvi has been at McKinsey for 30 years. During 1991-92, Mr. Sanghvi took a year off from McKinsey and worked at the World Bank. Prior to joining McKinsey, Mr. Sanghvi was a process engineer for Chevron Corporation.
Mr. Sanghvi obtained his M.B.A. from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University and his B.S. and M.S. degrees in chemical engineering from M.I.T. He is, or has been, the lead advisor for the World Economic Forum’s New Vision for Agriculture initiative, a board member of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, a member of the NY Council on Foreign Relations, and a member of the Advisory Committee for USAID.