The World Food Prize Foundation

2017 Borlaug Dialogue Speakers

Sithembile Ndema Mwamakamba

Senior Programme Manager, Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)

Sithembile Mwamakamba coordinates FANRPAN’s climate smart agriculture policy research and advocacy projects. Her work focuses on enhancing the research-to-policy interface between climate change, smallholder agriculture and poverty reduction by addressing the specific needs of vulnerable groups in Africa, including women, youth and small-scale farmers. Ms Mwamakamba has led case studies on current and emerging youth policies and initiatives with a focus on links to agriculture in ten countries in Sub Saharan Africa. She is a member of the Young Professionals for Agriculture and Development (YPARD) network Steering Committee and she represents FANRPAN in the Farming First Steering Committee. Ms Mwamakamba holds a master’s degree in development studies from the University of Pretoria and a bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of Cape Town.

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