The World Food Prize Foundation

2011 Symposium and Side Event Agenda



The World Food Prize
Norman E. Borlaug International Symposium
“The Next Generation": Confronting the Hunger Challenges of Tomorrow
Des Moines, Iowa
 All events will be recorded and posted after the conference.
Events that will be webcast live at are noted below.
Side Events
2:00 p.m.          Borlaug Memorial Lecture: “Enhancing the Impact of Agricultural Research on Food Security in Africa”
                           Speaker: Dr. Monty Jones – 2004 World Food Prize Laureate
                           University of Minnesota
8:00 p.m.         Norman Borlaug Lecture featuring 2002 World Food Prize Laureate Pedro Sanchez
                          Sun Room, Iowa State University Memorial Union, Ames, Iowa
The Fifth Annual Iowa Hunger Summit
8:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Des Moines Marriott – Hall of Cities, third floor
8:30 a.m.          Opening remarks
                           Ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn (ret.) – President, the World Food Prize Foundation
8:45 a.m.          Two Sides of the Same Coin: Addressing the Dualities of Global Hunger and Obesity
                           Organized by 30 Project and the Global Food Banking Network
9:30 a.m.          The Challenges of Global Aging and Nutrition
                           Organized by the Heartland Global Health Consortium
10:15 a.m.        Intersecting Food Assistance with Local Food Systems - Building Food Security and Health in Iowa 
                           Organized by the Iowa Food Access & Health Work Group, Iowa Food Systems Council
11:00 a.m.        Social Innovation – A Guatemalan Case Study
                           Organized by Hormel Foods Corporation
Noon                 The World Food Prize, FBL Financial Group, Inc. and Iowa Farm Bureau present the “Hunger
                           Luncheon” featuring meals used by Iowa-based organizations in food assistance and hunger-relief efforts
                           Keynote Speaker: Tom Arnold, CEO, Concern Worldwide
1:30 p.m.          Breakout Sessions and Interactive Workshops
                           Growing a Community Food System
                           Organized by Dr. Michael Hamm, C.S. Mott Professor of Sustainable Agriculture, Michigan State University
                           Understanding Food Insecurity Among Latino Immigrant Families in Iowa
                           Organized by Dr. Kimberly Greder, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Iowa State University
                           How to Deal with Cultural Differences when Setting Up Feeding and Farming Programs in Africa
                           Organized by Dr. James Blessman, President and Founder, Blessman Ministries
                           Advocacy and Using Your Voice!
                           Organized by Libby Crimmings, Regional Field Director-Midwest, The ONE Campaign
2:30 p.m.          Reception with World Food Prize Laureates from past years
Side Events
8:45 a.m.          USAID Board for International Food and Agricultural Development Public Meeting
                           Des Moines Marriott – Salons A and B, second floor 
10:00 a.m.        World Food Prize Lecture
                           Speaker: Roberto Rodriguez, Former Minister of Agriculture of Brazil
                           Pioneer, Johnston, Iowa
11:00 a.m.        Luncheon: "The Next Generation and Sustainable Human and Institutional Capacity Building"
                           Speaker: Dr. Calestous Juma, Harvard University
                           and Association of Public and Land Grant Universities.                                                                                                      
                           To RSVP, please visit
                           For additional information please contact                                         
                           Des Moines Marriott – Salons EFGH, second floor
11:00 a.m.        World Food Prize Laureate Lecture: “Urgent and Emerging Food Policy Challenges and Opportunities”
                           Speaker: Per Pinstrup-Anderson – 2001 World Food Prize Laureate
                           William Penn University, Des Moines, Iowa
11:00 a.m.        World Food Prize Lecture
                           Speaker: Rattan Lal, Professor of Soil Science, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Ohio
                           State University
                           Simpson College, Indianola, Iowa
Noon                 World Food Prize Lecture: “New Worlds of Water”
                           Speaker: Margaret Catley-Carlson, Chair, World Economic Forum Advisory Council on Water
                           Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
1:00 p.m.           USAID Board for International Food and Agricultural Development Public Meeting continues
                            Des Moines Marriott – Salons A and B, second floor
1:30 p.m.           Iowa Tanzania Summit: Development in Rural Tanzania
                            Organized by Empower Tanzania Incorporated
                            Des Moines Marriott – Salon D, second floor
3:00 p.m.          Truth About Trade and Technology – Global Farmer-to-Farmer Roundtable
                           Ruan Center, Des Moines Club, Des Moines downtown
4:30 p.m.           Iowa Tanzania Networking Reception
                            Organized by Empower Tanzania Incorporated
                            Des Moines Marriott – Cedar Rapids and Council Bluffs Rooms, third floor
8:00 p.m.           4-H Friends, Alumni and Partners Reception
                            Hosted by National 4-H Council’s Board of Trustees
                            Please RSVP to Carolyn Fernandez at or 301-961-2983 by September 30
                            Des Moines Marriott – Des Moines Hall of Cities, third floor
The “Borlaug Dialogue”: Day I
1:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Des Moines Marriott – Iowa Ballroom, second floor
1:00 p.m.           Opening remarks
                            Ambassador Kenneth M. Quinn (ret.) – President, The World Food Prize Foundation
1:15 p.m.           CEO Roundtable: “The Role of the Private Sector in Sustainable Agricultural Development” (Webcast live)
                            Samuel Allen – Chairman and CEO, Deere & Co.
                            James Borel – Executive Vice President, DuPont  
                            Hugh Grant – President and CEO, Monsanto Company
                            Namanga Ngongi – President, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
                            Patricia Woertz – Chairman, CEO and President, Archer Daniels Midland Company
                            Richard Leach – President and CEO, World Food Program USA (Moderator)
2:30 p.m.           Keynote Address: "Farming, Philanthropy and Failure: Lessons About Small Farmers and Feeding the World"
                            Howard Buffett – President, Howard G. Buffett Foundation
3:00 p.m.           Keynote Address: “The Phosphate Challenge”
                            Steen Riisgaard – President and CEO, Novozymes
3:30 p.m.           Conversation: “Empowering Youth Leaders and Entrepreneurs in Agricultural Engagement and Innovation”
                            Rikin Gandhi – CEO, Digital Green  
                            Millicent Akinyi Obare – Youth Leader, 4-H Kenya
                            Eric Pohlman – Senior Partner/Rwanda Country Director/Co-founder, One Acre Fund  
                            José Zaglul – President, EARTH University
                            Rick Little – CEO, ImagineNations (Moderator)
5:30 p.m.          Grand Opening: Norman E. Borlaug Hall of Laureates
                           100 Locust Street, Des Moines
7:30 p.m.          Special Performance: The Tokyo String Quartet
                           Sponsored by The World Food Prize Foundation. Free and open to the public.
                           Capacity crowds expected at this point.
                           Des Moines Temple for the Performing Arts
Side Events
7:00 a.m.          Breakfast: “The Borlaug CAST Communication Award”
                           Hosted by CropLife Foundation and the Council for Agricultural Science & Technology
                           Des Moines Marriott – Des Moines Room, third floor
7:30 a.m.          Seminar - "Getting Down to Business: Scaling Up Private Sector Investments in Africa and Making Headway 
                           with Feed the Future and CAADP"
                           Hosted by the Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa
                           Des Moines Marriott – Cedar Rapids and Council Bluffs Rooms, third floor
8:00 a.m.          Panel Discussion and Report Release : “Connecting the Dots: How Agriculture can Contribute to Global 
                           Hosted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs
                           Des Moines Marriott – Waterloo Room, third floor
8:15 a.m.          Panel Discussion: "Technology on Trial: How Resistance to Innovation is Threatening the Global Food Supply"
                           Hosted by CropLife International and the U..S. Department of State
                           Des Moines Marriott – Des Moines Room, third floor
9:00 a.m.           Truth About Trade and Technology – Global Farmer-to-Farmer Roundtable
                            Ruan Center, Des Moines Club, Des Moines downtown
9:00 a.m.          Seminar: “Challenges of Natural Resource Management for Small-scale Farmers on Marginal Lands”
                           Hosted by the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service
                           Des Moines Marriott – Davenport and Dubuque Rooms, third floor  
9:00 a.m.          One Health Inaugural Lecture featuring 2010 World Food Prize Laureate David Beckmann
                           Hosted by One Health Commission and the Iowa State University One Health Consortium
                           Des Moines Marriott – Salon D, second floor           
10:00 a.m.        World Food Prize Laureate Lecture: “Urgent and Emerging Food Policy Challenges and Opportunities”
                           Speaker: Per Pinstrup-Anderson – 2001 World Food Prize Laureate
                           Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
10:30 a.m.         Lecture: “Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities”
                            Dr. Ronald Follett, USDA-ARS-NPA, Presenter
                            Hosted by the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology
                            Ruan II Building, Auditorium, ground floor
10:40 a.m.         World Food Prize Lecture
                            Speaker: Sir Gordon Conway, Professor of International Development, Imperial College London
                            Central Academy, Des Moines, Iowa
11:00 a.m.         Luncheon: 2nd Annual Global Harvest Initiative GAP Report™ Announcement
                            Learn more and RSVP at
                            Des Moines Marriott – Des Moines Room, third floor
11:00 a.m.         World Food Prize Lecture
                            Speaker: Beatriz da Silveira Pinheiro, Director General of the Strategic Studies and Capacity Strengthening
                            Division of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Organization
                            Iowa State University, Department of Agronomy, 3140 Agronomy Hall, Ames, Iowa
11:30 a.m.         World Food Prize Lecture
                            Speaker: David Lambert, Principal of Lambert Associates of Washington, D.C.
                            Charter Financial Analysts, 33rd Floor Ruan Center, Des Moines, Iowa
2:00 p.m.            World Food Prize Presidential Lecture
                             Speaker: H.E. Joaquim Chissano – former President, Mozambique
                             Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
5:30 p.m.            World Food Prize Laureate Lecture: “Listening, Learning and Leading on the Global Stage”
                             Speaker: Jo Luck – 2010 World Food Prize Laureate
                             Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa
7:00 p.m.            Banquet: “African Voices for New Science and Technology"
                             Hosted by AU/NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency/
                             African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE) and Michigan State University
                             For additional information please contact
                             Des Moines Marriott – Des Moines Room, third floor
7:00 p.m.            Seminar: “Securing the Table for the Next Generation – Farmer-led Initiatives for Resilient      
                             and  Improved Livelihoods in Ethiopia and Colombia ”
                             Hosted by Oxfam International
                             Des Moines Marriott – Council Bluffs Room, third floor
7:00 p.m.            Reception: "Transforming Food and Agriculture Policy"
                             Hosted by AGree; Co-Chairs Emmy Simmons, Jim Moseley and Executive Director Deborah Atwood 
                             Des Moines Marriott – Davenport Room, third floor
7:30 p.m.           World Food Prize Laureate Lecture: "Plant Breeding Challenges for Enhanced Food and Nutritional Security in
                            the 21st Century"
                            Speaker: Surinder K. Vasal  2000 World Food Prize Laureate
                            Morningside College, Sioux City, Iowa
The “Borlaug Dialogue”: Day II
8:00 a.m. – Noon
Des Moines Marriott – Iowa Ballroom, second floor
8:00 a.m.            Conversation: Improving Efficiencies in the Entire Value Chain
                             Silas Samson Buru – Ethiopian Farmer, Oxfam Horn of Africa Risk Transfer Adaptation Program
                             Shenggen Fan – Director General, International Food Policy Research Institute
                             J. Carl Ganter – Co-founder and Director, Circle of Blue
                             Beth Keck – Senior Vice President for Sustainability, Wal-Mart
                             Perry Yeatman – Senior Vice President, Kraft Foods Inc., President of Kraft Foods Foundation
                             Sir Gordon Conway – Professor of International Development, Imperial College London (Moderator)
9:30 a.m.            The Secretary’s Roundtable: “Sharing Agricultural Knowledge to Drive Sustainable Growth” (Webcast live)
                             Hon. Thomas J. Vilsack – Secretary of Agriculture, United States
                             Hon. Kwesi Ahwoi – Minister of Agriculture, Ghana
                             Hon. Jumanne Maghembe – Minister of Agriculture, Tanzania
                             Hon. José Pacheco –  Minister of Agriculture, Mozambique
                             Dr. José Graziano da Silva – Regional Representative and Assistant Director-General, UN Food and Agriculture
10:30 a.m.          Conversation: Innovative Solutions to Maximize the Potential of Women and Girls in Agricultural Development
                             Sam Dryden – Director of Agricultural Development, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
                             Matilda Auma Ouma – Deputy District Agricultural Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Kenya
                             Ritu Sharma – Co-founder and President, Women Thrive Worldwide
                             Catherine Bertini – 2003 World Food Prize Laureate (Moderator)
11:30 a.m.          Keynote Address: "Ending Hunger and Malnutrition" (Webcast live)   
                             Josette Sheeran – Executive Director, UN World Food Program
Noon – 2:00 p.m.
Des Moines Marriott – Hall of Cities, third floor
Noon                   Symposium Luncheon Keynote (Webcast live)
                             Ellen Kullman – Chairman and CEO, DuPont   
2:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Des Moines Marriott – Iowa Ballroom, second floor
2:00 p.m.            Special Video Address
                             HRH Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein – Messenger of Peace, United Nations
2:15 p.m.            African Presidential Leadership Roundtable (Webcast live)
                             H.E. Joaquim Chissano – former President, Mozambique  
                             H.E. Sir Dawda Jawara – former President, The Gambia
                             H.E. Olusegun Obasanjo – former President, Nigeria
                             H.E. Mizengo Pinda – Prime Minister, Tanzania
                             Gebisa Ejeta – 2009 World Food Prize Laureate (Moderator)
7:00 p.m.            The 2011 Laureate Award Ceremony (Webcast live)
                             The Iowa State Capitol and Live Broadcast on Iowa Public Television. Due to unprecedented demand and limited 
                             space, the ceremony will be invitation-only this year. 
7:00 p.m.            The 2011 Ceremony Watch Party
                             Des Moines Marriott, Iowa Ballroom, second floor
Side Events
7:00 a.m.            Breakfast: "From the Ground Up  Farmers Feeding the World"
                             Hosted by the Farm Journal Foundation
                             Des Moines Marriott – Davenport Room, third floor
7:00 a.m.            Breakfast Seminar: "The 2011 Global Hunger Index – The Challenge of Hunger: Taming Price Spikes
                             and Excessive Food Price Volatility"
                             Hosted by the International Food Policy Research Institute
                             Open to all attendees -- please RSVP to Djhoanna Cruz (
                             Des Moines Marriott, Cedar Rapids and Council Bluffs rooms
7:00 a.m.            Breakfast: "Spanning the Globe – Improving Lives, Expanding Resources to Feed the World's Hungry"
                             Hosted by the Global Food Banking Network
                             Des Moines Marriott – Sioux City Room, third floor
8:00 a.m.            Seminar: “Feeding a Hungry World.  Why We Must Invest in the Next Generation of Female Farmers"
                             Hosted by The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Land O'Lakes, Inc. and
                             Women Thrive Worldwide
                             Des Moines Marriott – Des Moines Room, third floor     
11:00 a.m.         World Food Prize Laureate Lecture
                            Speaker: David Beckmann  2010 World Food Prize Laureate
                            Grand View University, Des Moines, Iowa
11:45 a.m.          World Food Prize Laureate Lecture
                             Speaker: Pedro A. Sanchez  2002 World Food Prize Laureate, Director of Tropical Agriculture at the Earth
                             Institute at Columbia University
                             Des Moines Rotary Wakonda Club, Des Moines, Iowa
3:15 p.m.             Panel Discussion and Report Release: "Girls Grow – A Vital Force in Rural  
                              Hosted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs
                              Des Moines Marriott – Davenport Room, third floor
3:15 p.m.             Seminar: “Linking Farmers to Markets in Developing Countries – Building Food Processing Enterprises”
                              Hosted by the International Food Technology Center, Purdue University
                              Des Moines Marriott – Council Bluffs Room, third floor
3:30 p.m.              Reception and Signing: "Endless Appetites – How the Commodities Casino Creates Hunger and Unrest"   
                               Hosted by John Wiley & Sons and author Alan Bjerga of Bloomberg News
                               Des Moines Marriott – Waterloo Room, third floor
4:00 p.m.             Panel Discussion: “Financing for Country-Owned Food Security Strategies – The Global Agriculture and 
                              Food Security Program (GAFSP)”
                              Hosted by ActionAid
                              Open to all atendees. Please send a courtesy RSVP to
                              Des Moines Marriott – Dubuque Room, third floor
4:00 p.m.            World Food Prize Lecture
                             Speaker: Johannes Lehmann, Associate Professor at Cornell University
                             Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
8:30 p.m.            The Official After Party for the World Food Prize featuring a free show The NADAS
                              Hosted by The ONE Campaign 
                              Free and Open to World Food Prize Participants, Media and the Public
                              Comments by Sheila Nix, ONE’s US Executive Director, on ONE’s new Agricultural Campaign “Famine is the 
                              Real Obscenity”
                              For more info please contact Libby Crimmings:
                              Des Moines Marriott – Second Floor, Iowa Ballroom
The “Borlaug Dialogue”: Day III
7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Des Moines Marriott – Hall of Cities, third floor
7:30 a.m.            Symposium Breakfast: Keynote
                             Michael Mack – CEO and Executive Director, Syngenta
9:00 a.m. – Noon
Des Moines Marriott – Iowa Ballroom, second floor
9:00 a.m.            Laureate Keynote Address (Webcast live)
                             H.E. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva – 2011 World Food Prize Laureate and former President, Brazil
9:30 a.m.            Conversation: The Greening of Agriculture
                             Kwesi Atta-Krah – Deputy Director General, Bioversity International
                             Daniel Hillel – Senior Research Scientist, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies ,Columbia Earth Institute
                             Rattan Lal – Professor of Soil Science, School of Environment and Natural Resources,Ohio State University           
                             Sahr Lebbie – Africa Area Vice President, Heifer International 
                             Johannes Lehmann – Chairman of the Board, International Biochar Initiative
                             Margaret Catley-Carlson – Chair, World Economic Forum Advisory Council on Water (Moderator)
11:00 a.m.         Conversation: Enhancing Communication and Collaboration Across All Stakeholders  
                             Ellen Gustafson – Co-founder, FEED and Founder/Executive Director of 30 Project  
                             Bruce McNamer – President and CEO, TechnoServe
                             Louise Fresco – Distinguished Professor, University of Amsterdam (Moderator)
12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Des Moines Marriott – Hall of Cities, third floor
12:30 p.m.          2011 World Food Prize Laureate Luncheon Keynote Address (Webcast live)
                             H.E. John Agyekum Kufuor – 2011 World Food Prize Laureate and former President, Ghana
Side Events
2:00 p.m.            Reception Honoring H.E. John Agyekum Kufuor, 2011 World Food Prize Laureate 
                             Hosted by Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
                             Des Moines Marriott  Council Bluffs Room, third floor
The World Food Prize Global Youth Institute
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Pioneer Headquarters, Wallace Auditorium




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