The World Food Prize Foundation

2018 Side Events

Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation for the Savannahs (TAAT-S)

10/17/2018 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Waterloo Room, 3rd Floor | Des Moines Marriott Downtown
Martin Fregene & Edward Mabaya


Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation for the Savannahs (TAAT-S)

Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation for the Savannahs (TAAT-S) is one of eight Priority Intervention Area (PIAs) of the Feed Africa Strategy of the African Development Bank that seeks to end extreme poverty, hunger, malnutrition, and food imports by the year 2025. TAAT-S seeks to transform 16 million Ha out of Africa’s 400 million Ha of Savannah, twice the size of the Brazilian Cerrados, into a bread basket for the production of maize, soybean, and livestock. The initiative orchestrates partnerships – to introduce technology to bring in/develop know-how and finance to create commercial hubs of maize-soybean-livestock production. TAAT-S was launched in October 2017 in Ghana and has been launched since then in Zambia, Guinea, and Gabon. It is expected to be launched in five other African countries next year, namely: Uganda, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, and Mozambique. The panelists will discuss training, innovation and entrepreneurship, and policy support for transformation of the African Savannahs.

Speakers will include:

  • Jennifer Blanke, Vice President, Agriculture, Human and Social Development, African Development Bank

  • Minister Alysson Paolinelli, Former Minister of Agriculture of Brazil, 2006 World Food Prize Laureate

  • Prof Pedro Sanchez, Professor of Soil Science, University of Florida, Gainsville, 2002 World Food Prize Laureate

  • Dr Indrajeet Chaubey, Associate Dean and Director of International Programs in Agriculture, Purdue University

  • Martin Fregene, Director, Agriculture and Agro-Industry, African Development Bank

Contacts: Martin Fregene at & Edward Mabaya at

 Hosted by: African Development Bank (AfDB)


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