Building an Evidence Base for Resilience Programming under the USG Global Food Security Strategy: Bridging the Gap Between Humanitarian and Development Assistance
Event Description:
Please join the Board for International Food and Agricultural Development, an advisory committee to the US Agency for International Development (USAID), for a public meeting on October 17, 2017. The meeting will include the awarding of the BIFAD Prize for Scientific Excellence, an update from USAID’s Bureau for Food Security, an overview of the impetus and rationale for elevating resilience in the Global Food Security Strategy, a progress update by USAID on resilience in the face of the current drought in the Horn of Africa, and an expert panel on the emerging evidence base on resilience.
The panel will discuss state-of- the-art approaches to resilience measurement, as well as what the evidence tells us about sources of resilience that enable households and communities to maintain their food security in the face of recurrent shocks such as drought and—more broadly—to sustainably escape and remain out of poverty in the face of complex risks. A public comment period is scheduled from 4:30 to 5:00 pm CDT.
Special Guests:
- Greg Collins, Director, Center for Resilience, USAID
- Mark Constas, Professor, Cornell University, Chair of the Working Group on Resilience Measurement
- Tim Frankenberger, President and Co-Founder, TANGO International
- Nancy Mock, Associate Professor, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Tulane University
- Jon Kurtz, Senior Director of Research and Learning, Mercy Corps
RSVP Information:
Please register for the in-person tickets or the livestream tickets only here. The link to the livestream will be
emailed a day before the event.
More information, including a detailed agenda and registration information, can be found on the BIFAD
landing page
Points of Contact:
For questions related to registration contact Shanaz Waise
All other questions, please contact BIFAD Designated Federal Officer Clara Cohen by email or at 202-712-0119