The World Food Prize Foundation

2017 Side Events

Transformation of African Savannah Initiative (TASI)

10/18/2017 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM
Cedar Rapids & Council Bluffs Room, 3rd Floor | Des Moines Marriott Downtown
Dr. Martin Fregene

Transformation of African Savannah Initiative (TASI) is one of eight Priority Intervention Area (PIAs) of the Feed Africa Strategy that seeks to end extreme poverty, hunger, malnutrition, food imports by the year 2025. TASI seeks to transform 16 million Ha out of Africa’s 400 million Ha of Savannah, twice the size of the Brazilian Cerrados, into a bread basket for the production of maize, soybean, and livestock. The initiative will orchestrate partnerships - an Innovation Platform, between RMCs, Technical Assistance Partners (TAPs), Private Sectors and Donors to design and establish commercial hubs of maize-soybean-livestock production. These hubs will demonstrate high crop and livestock productivity that is environmentally – in the light of climate change, socially, and economically sustainable introduction via adaption of best-bet technologies. TASI will be rolled out October 2017 with a pilot project in Ghana and set the stage to replicate the experience in seven other African countries, the first phase countries – namely: Guinea, Uganda, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Mozambique, and Zambia.

Key Discussion points:

  1.  Introduction and adaptation of technologies required to raise productivity of maize, soybean, and livestock in the African Savannah;
  2.  Financing TASI via public and private investments;
  3.  Policies support for transformation of the African Savannahs;
  4.  Setting up an innovation platform to drive the roll-out of TASI;
  5.  Potential benefits of TASI.


  • Keynote Speech:  
    • Dr. Akinmumi Adesina, President, African Development Bank and 2017 World Food Prize Laureate
  • Introductory Remarks:
    • Dr. Jim Yong Kim, President, World Bank (invited)
    • Mr. Hiroshi Kato, Senior Vice President, JICA
    • Mr. Owusu Afriye Akoto, Minister of Agriculture, Government of Ghana
    • Dr. Mauricio Anthonio Lopez, President, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA)
    • Dr. Amadeo Nicora, President, Institute of Agriculture Research in Argentina (INTA)
    • Dr. Alysson Paulinelli, Ex-Minister of Agriculutre, Government of Brazil | Chairman of CAMPO and 1996 World Food Prize Laureate
    • Dr. Emiliano Pereira, President, CAMPO Brazil
    • Mr. Pedro Vigneau, President, AARPESID Argentina
    • Mr. Emiliano Mroue, CEO, West African Rice Company
  • General Discussion/Q & A and Closing Remarks:
    • Moderator: Dr. Jennifer Blanke, Vice President, African Development Bank
  • Coffee and Tea Break

Points of Contact:
Dr. Martin Fregene
Ms. Olukemi Afun-Ogidan


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