The World Food Prize Foundation

2016 Side Events

Advancing Africa’s Food Nutrition and Security through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in Agricultural Science, Technology and Infrastructure Development

10/12/2016 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Des Moines Marriott Hotel, Dubuque and Davenport Rooms, 3rd Floor
Dr. Dianah R. Ngonyama, AAAPD President

Title: Advancing Africa’s Food Nutrition and Security through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) in Agricultural Science, Technology and Infrastructure Development

Time: 7:00 AM – 11:00AM, Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Location: Dubuque and Davenport Rooms, 3rd Floor, Des Moines Marriott

Event Description: The focus of this side event is to promote the adoption of advanced science and technological innovations to transform agricultural development in Africa throughout the value chain. There are many investment opportunities in the agricultural production sector and food processing industries that can ensure that Africa doesn’t just market raw materials, but also has the capacity to produce a diversified range of quality food products currently in demand on the global market. To have a successful transformation of Africa, there is need for bringing everyone, i.e. all stakeholders across the value chain to work together through the development of partnerships (PPPs). Hence, the Association of African Agricultural Professionals in the Diaspora (AAAPD) ( is partnering with the Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa (, Regional Universities Forum (RUFORUM) , The International Potato Centre (CIP) (, J.R. Simplot Company ( and other stakeholders to bring together key African Leaders, the Private Sector, African, American and European Universities to identify key opportunities in Africa to foster the development of strategic partnerships that will help to transform Africa’s agricultural industry.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Initiate the development of specific partnerships (PPPs) that will drive development in key agricultural sectors: food production, food processing with value addition and marketing
  2. Identify development opportunities that will empower African women and the youth who are experiencing high unemployment levels
  3. Have the commitment of key African leaders to support these development efforts.

Structure of the event:

The event will include a breakfast reception followed by two Panel presentations (Keynote Speakers-African Leaders and Discussion Panel-Experts from industry and universities):

Panel 1: Keynote Speakers: African Leaders who will set the stage by highlighting the current opportunities for improving Africa’s agricultural productivity, processing and employment growth

Panel 2: Discussion Panel: Experts from industry and universities responding to the opportunities highlighted in previous session; with solutions that help to advance science and technology, enhance women and youth development and improve infrastructure and capacity building.


  • Hon. M. Peter McPherson, former Administrator - USAID and President, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
  • H.E Joyce Banda, former President of Malawi (to be confirmed)
  • Her Excellency Ameenah Gruib-Fakim, President of Mauritius (to be confirmed)
  • H.E Akinwumi A. Adesina, President of the African Development Bank (to be confirmed)
  • Hon. Professor Ruth Oniang’o, Professor of Food Science and Nutrition, Chief Executive Secretary Rural Outreach Africa Program
  • Barbara Wells, Director General International Potato Centre (to be confirmed)
  • Haven Baker, Vice President of Simplot Plant Sciences at J.R Simplot company
  • Prof. Karim Maredia, Professor and Program Director, World Technology Access Program (WorldTAP), Entomology Dept, Michigan State University  (to be confirmed)
  • Dr. Moses Osiru, Executive Secretary at RUFORUM Secretariat  (to be confirmed)
  • Dr. Mima Nedelcovych, President & CEO,  Initiative for Global Development
  • Dr. Dianah R. Ngonyama, President –AAAPD; J.R Simplot Company

RSVP Information: Email: Dr. Dianah R. Ngonyama, AAAPD President at

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