The World Food Prize Foundation

2014 World Food Prize Awarded to Dr. Sanjaya Rajaram at Iowa State Capitol


Dr. Sanjaya Rajaram, a wheat scientist of India and Mexico, bred an impressive 480 varieties of wheat to provide nutritious grains resistant to rust disease and adaptable in a vast array of climates, which have helped protect the global food supply and feed more people.

Des Moines, IA (Oct. 16, 2014) – Tonight, Dr. Sanjaya Rajaram, a wheat breeder who has spent his life developing more than 480 varieties of the staple crop, was awarded The World Food Prize among an international audience at the Iowa State Capitol in Des Moines.

Dr. Sanjaya Rajaram receives the 2014 World Food Prize. Surrounding him, left to right, are H.E. Enrique Martinez y Martinez, Mexican Minister of Agriculture; Mr. John Ruan III, Chairman of The World Food Prize; and Ambassador Taranjit Singh Sandhu, Deputy Chief of Mission for India. Oct. 16, 2014.


Dr. Rajaram’s scientific research led to a prodigious increase in world wheat production – by more than 200 million tons. His crossing of winter and spring wheat varieties, which were distinct gene pools that had been isolated from one another for hundreds of years, led to his development of plants that have higher yields and dependability under a wide range of environments around the world. He also developed wheat varieties resistant to the rust disease that can wipe out entire fields, thus protecting the world's food supply.

"This award honors the resilience and innovative spirit of farmers in the developing world and the national agricultural systems," Dr. Rajaram said as he accepted the award. "Without their contributions my research would not have been possible. The mission was – and the mission remains -  to serve them."

As the World Food Prize culminates the centennial year of its founder and Dr. Rajaram's mentor, Dr. Norman Borlaug, and also today celebrated World Food Day and  the UN-FAO’s International Year of Family Farming, it is especially fitting to recognize the impact of Dr. Rajaram’s achievements. 

“Dr. Rajaram worked closely with Dr. Borlaug, succeeding him as head of the wheat breeding program at CIMMYT in Mexico, and then carried forward and expanded upon his work, breaking new ground with his own invaluable achievements. His breakthrough breeding technologies have had a far-reaching and significant impact in providing more food around the globe and alleviating world hunger,” said Amb. Kenneth M. Quinn, President of The World Food Prize. “Dr. Borlaug himself called Dr. Rajaram ‘the greatest present-day wheat scientist in the world’ and ‘a scientist of great vision.’ It is an honor to recognize Dr. Rajaram today for his development of an astounding 480 varieties of wheat, bred to offer higher yields, resistance to the catastrophic rust disease, and that thrive in a wide array of climates.” 

Born in a small village in India, Dr. Rajaram worked to be the top in his class as he moved through school, and dedicated his life to making direct improvements for farmers and all people who depend on agriculture. Now a citizen of Mexico, Dr. Rajaram conducted the majority of his research in Mexico at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). 

Dr. Rajaram succeeded Dr. Norman Borlaug in leading CIMMYT’s wheat breeding program, and developed an astounding 480 wheat varieties that have been released in 51 countries on six continents and have been widely adopted by small- and large-scale farmers alike. Dr. Rajaram is currently the Director of Resource Seeds International and a consultant to International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).



Webcast of the ceremony can be found here

A full biography, photos and more information about the 2014 Laureate are available at

Members of the media may reach Dr. Rajaram at


THE WORLD FOOD PRIZE was created in 1987 by Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Norman Borlaug, and is the foremost international award recognizing individuals whose achievements have advanced human development by increasing the quality, quantity or availability of food in the world. The prize was endowed by John Ruan, Sr. Continuing his legacy, Iowa businessman John Ruan III now serves as chairman of the organization. A Selection Committee of experts from around the world oversees the nomination and selection process, and is chaired by Prof. M.S. Swaminathan of India, who was also honored as the first World Food Prize Laureate. The World Food Prize annually hosts the Borlaug Dialogue international symposium, which draws over 1,000 people from 65 countries to discuss cutting-edge issues in food security, and several youth education programs to inspire the next generation to explore careers in agriculture and fighting hunger.

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