October 14, 2009 - Video and transcripts from 2009 Borlaug Dialogue available now
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To download a PDF of the 2009 Borlaug Dialogue Highlights document,
featuring edited transcripts of all symposium speakers, click on the image to the right.
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Bill Gates | Jeffrey Sachs | Indra Nooyi | Gebisa Ejeta
Wednesday, October 14
Special Video Message:
Hillary Rodham Clinton - U.S. Secretary of State
Opening Keynote Session:
Food, Agriculture, Energy, and Threats to Global Security
Patricia Woertz - Chairman, CEO, and President, Archer Daniels Midland Co.
Ellen Kullman - CEO, DuPont
Her Excellency Gerda Verburg - Minister of Agriculture, The Netherlands
Conversation: Global agricultural yields: Trends and threats
Margaret Catley-Carlson - Chair, World Economic Forum Advisory Council on Water
Jason Clay - Senior Vice President Market Transformation, World Wildlife Fund
William Dar - Director General, ICRISAT
Seyfu Ketema - Executive Director, ASARECA
Jeff Simmons - President, Elanco
Weibin Yan - CEO, Longping High-Tech Agriculture
Thursday, October 15
Conversation: Poverty, hunger, and food security in crisis areas
Per Pinstrup-Andersen (Moderator) - 2001 World Food Prize Laureate
Tom Arnold - CEO, Concern Worldwide
Chelston Brathwaite - Director General, IICA
Ambassador James Michel - Counselor, USAID
Her Excellency Faida Mitifu - Ambassador, The Democratic Republic of Congo
Frances Stewart - Director, Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity, Oxford University
Keynote: Support the World's Poorest Farmers
Bill Gates- Co-Chair, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
(includes Q&A session with 2009 World Food Prize Laureate Gebisa Ejeta)
Conversation: Intelligence & security perspectives on agriculture
Mathew Burrows - Counselor, National Intellegence Council (NIC)
Raymond Gilpin - Associate Vice President, United States Institute of Peace
Dennis McGinn - Vice Admiral, United States Navy (ret)
Keynote Presentation: Food at the Center of Global Crisis
Jeffrey Sachs - Director, The Earth Institute at Columbia University
Symposium Luncheon Keynote Address
Indra Nooyi - Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo
Special Video Message
Pascal Lamy - Director-General, World Trade Organization
The Secretary's Roundtable: Ministerial perspectives on cooperation in food & agriculture
Hon. Tom Vilsack - Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture
H.E. Amin Abaza - Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Egypt
H.E. Gerry Ritz - Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada
Carlos Vazquez - Minister-Counselor for Agriculture, Embassy of Mexico, Washington
Roundtable Discussion
Conversation: Will a food-secure world require new global institutions?
Sir Gordon Conway (Moderator)- Professor of Intl. Development, Imperial College London
Mark Cackler - Manager, Agriculture and Rural Development Department, World Bank
Louise Fresco - Professor, University of Amsterdam
Kanayo Nwanze - President, International Fund for Agricultural Development
Richard Williamson - Former U.S. Special Envoy for Sudan
Friday, October 16
Symposium Breakfast Keynote Address
Roger Thurow - Co-author, "Enough: Why the World's Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty"
Keynote: Agriculture and Security in Africa
Joaquim Chissano - Former President, Mozambique
Conversation: Gender in agriculture, nutrition, and health
Catherine Bertini (Moderator) - 2003 World Food Prize Laureate
Namanga Ngongi - President, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
Geeta Rao Gupta - President, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
Mahabub Hossain - Executive Director, Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC)
Conversation: Assessing progress in global agriculture
Joachim von Braun - Director General, IFPRI
Marco Ferroni - Executive Director, Syngenta Foundation
Brian Halweil - Senior Researcher, Worldwatch Institute
Hans Herren - 1995 World Food Prize Laureate
J.B. Penn - Chief Economist, John Deere
The Laureate Lecture: The African Green Revolution need not be a mirage
Gebisa Ejeta - 2009 World Food Prize Laureate
Conversation: Agriculture and climate change - Being part of the solution
* Co-organized by the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) and the United Nations Foundation
Hans Herren (Moderator) - 1995 World Food Prize Laureate
Peg Armstrong-Gustafson
Founder and Owner, Amson Technology
Michael Hansen
Senior Staff Scientist, Consumers Union
Anita Idel
Mediation and Agrobiodiversity
Helena Paul
Co-Director, EcoNexus
John Reganold
Professor, Washington State University
More on the 2009 Borlaug Dialogue