International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Kathmandu, Nepal has hosted two high school interns since 2013.
Started in 1984, ICIMOD enables sustainable and resilient mountain development for improved and equitable livelihoods through knowledge and regional cooperation.
ICIMOD is working to develop an economically and environmentally sound mountain ecosystem to improve the living standards of mountain populations and to sustain vital ecosystem services for the billions of people living downstream now, and for the future.
Interns at ICIMOD work alongside renowned international researchers and experts - like Dr. Aditi Mukherji - in the fields and villages in the Kathmandu Valley and its three main administrative units: Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur.
The students have the opportunity to travel around Nepal with their host families and colleagues to visit Kathmandu and famous landmarks like Bhaktapur Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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Nepal Specific Questions
Suggested Travel Link:
Visa required: Tourist Visa Required
Passport: Required
Travelers Heath & Vaccinations: Visit the CDC website at
Embassies & Consulates Contact:
U.S. Embassy Kathmandu - Maharajgunj Kathmandu, Nepal
Telephone: +(977)(1) 423-4000 or 400-7200
Emergency:+(977)(1) 400-7266 or 400-7269
Geography: Refer back to "International Internship Sites"
Cellular apps (highly suggested to download prior to departure): US Embassy. Airlines the intern will be traveling through. Whatsapp.
Student Research Projects
Addressing Additional Livelihood Opportunities for Brick Workers: A Case for Nepal (2022)
Positive Effects of Solar Powered Irrigation Pumps on Subsistence Farmers in Rural Nepal (2018)
Evaluating the Impact of Solar Powered Irrigation on Women in Eastern Nepal (2017)
Water Supply in Moointain and Hill Cities Throughout the Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region (2014)